Billing Overview

Schematic integrates bi-directionally with Stripe to facilitate billing while adding powerful capabilities on top of it such as embeddable UI components, feature flags to power entitlements, and usage-based metering.

To read more about how to use our Stripe integration, including how to import and map Stripe objects, click here.

Key Features:

  • Stripe integration: Connect your Stripe account to import and manage customers, products, and subscriptions.
  • Flexible Billing Models: In addition to tier-based packaging, implement a number of usage-based billing models, including:
    • Pay-as-You-Go: Charge customers based on real-time usage.
    • Pay-in-Advance: Collect payments upfront for future usage, and enforce a hard feature limit.
    • Fixed Fee with Overage: Combine subscription pricing with the flexibility to charge for additional usage.
    • Credit Burndown: Deduct credits from a pre-purchased pool as services are used, and enforce a hard feature limit.
  • Company Management: Manage company entitlements and subscriptions independently.


  • Billing and feature management in one place: Tie feature management directly to billing policy to ensure feature access lines up with subscriptions.
  • Flexibility: Adjust your billing and entitlements without rewriting code.
  • End user transparency: Provide clear, user-friendly billing experiences using Schematic Components that improve trust and satisfaction.